I am not intended to lie, nor am I intended to draw a false picture of myself. So I'll be honest, however possibly subjective.

First and for all, I'm a dad. That is the most important role I have in my life. Whatever will happen, I will always be a dad, even when I am dead and buried (or whatever they'll do to my body).

Second, I am a husband. I love my wife, and will never do harm to her. I will help her, support her, worship her and defend her, whatever she's doing.

Third, I am a Computer Geek. Some would call me IT Professional, some would say I'm a programmer. Others would consider me an ethical hacker or a network specialist. I just keep calling myself Computer Geek, that fits best in my opinion.

Fourth, I am a part of the community. I believe in power by unity: if we go together to achieve a target, then we will make it. I am aware that everyone would have different plans, ideas and thoughts: there is the same amount of opinions as there are people. But if we look very closely to everyone's target, then we all want the same: a better world. And that's why I want to help other people: to make a better world, for my children, my wife, my customers and myself.

Medium member since July 2021
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Albert Denmark

Albert Denmark

Father, husband, Computer Geek and author. Living in Denmark, born in Holland. Mail: albertdenmark1@gmail.com